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  • Wasps

    • What are wasps?

      Wasps are insects in the order Hymenoptera. Bees and wasps often look very similar, and since they both fly and sting, it can sometimes be hard to tell them apart. However, there are some definite distinctions that will clue you in as to whether you're dealing with a bee or a wasp.

      Some types of wasps are obviously not bees because they are not the right color. However, many wasp varieties are yellow and black, like their bee cousins. If you see a wasp that looks like this, look at the shape of its body. Bees are typically fat and do not have distinctive curves in their middle. Wasps have a tightly cinched waist and are longer and narrower than bees. They are also generally hairless, while bees are fuzzy.

    • Are wasps dangerous?

      Whether wasps are dangerous depends on the species of wasp you're dealing with. Almost all wasps can sting, but some are so docile that they almost never do it. However, other wasps are highly aggressive and will sting at the slightest provocation.

      Typically, social wasps, like hornets and yellow jackets, are much more likely to sting. These nesting varieties will do just about anything to protect their nests, up to and including swarming by the thousands and stinging over and over again until they chase away any perceived threat. In this case, wasps can be dangerous, especially to those allergic to insect venom.

    • Where will I find wasps?

      The location of wasp nests depends on the wasp species. For instance, most of the time, yellow jackets will nest inside holes in the ground or hollows and trees, while hornets will build large paper nests in tree branches or the overhangs on your house. You might even find mud daubers building mud tunnels on your home's siding.

    • How do I get rid of wasps?

      If you already have a wasp infestation, doing your own wasp removal is not advisable. While you might get away with knocking down a couple of mud dauber tunnels, if you mess with yellow jacket or hornet nests, it will be a different story. Trying to get rid of these species could result in an attack that leaves you with hundreds of stings.

      To keep yourself safe, the best thing you can do is contact the wasp experts here at The Termite Guy! We can safely and effectively remove the wasps from your property regardless of the species.

    • How can I prevent wasps in the future?

      While you may not be able to get rid of wasps yourself once you already have them, wasp prevention is much easier. Just take these steps:

      • Cover all outdoor garbage cans with tight lids.
      • Try using decoy nests to make social wasps think they're invading other wasps' territory.
      • Never leave fruits or veggies from outdoor plants sitting on the ground.
      • Get rid of infestations of spiders, caterpillars, or other wasp prey.
      • Plant wasp-repellent herbs and flowers like basil, lemongrass, and marigolds.

      And remember, for the best wasp removal services in Southern California, the experts here at The Termite Guy are just a click or call away!

    • Why do I have a wasp problem?

      Many things can attract wasps to your house. One big thing is if you have an easy food source. Some wasp varieties will eat the nectar of certain flowers, some will eat fruits and vegetables, and some will eat just about anything.

      Wasps may also end up on your property if you have an infestation of insects that wasps like to prey on for reproductive purposes, such as caterpillars or grasshoppers. Easy nesting spots are another big attractant. If you have a lot of holes in your yard, yellow jackets may set up a nest there, and if you have windows with big frames or overhangs, these may attract aerial wasps.

  • Ticks And Fleas

    • Are ticks and fleas dangerous?

      Ticks and fleas endanger our family's health and the health of our pets. Both of these pests can transfer a variety of dangerous diseases.

      When we find ticks on humans or pets, removing them quickly and correctly is important. Ticks can spread diseases such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tick paralysis, and Lyme disease to people. Our dogs are susceptible to canine ehrlichiosis and canine babesia.

      Fleas bites can transmit things such as murine typhus, tularemia, and tapeworm to people, to name a few. Fleas on our pets can cause anemia and tapeworms. With a flea allergy, the constant scratching at the itchy bites can leave people and pets in danger of secondary infections.

    • Why do I have a tick or flea problem?

      Here in California, we love to spend time outdoors walking, hiking, and enjoying the weather. Unfortunately, it is easy for ticks and fleas to join us, and they will stay on for the ride.

      Fleas are powerful jumpers who sometimes hitchhike their way into our homes on our clothes. Ticks do not jump or fly, but they will free-fall onto us or grab on as we walk by.

      For pet owners, tick and flea control are especially important. When we take our four-legged friends outdoors, they can easily pick up ticks and fleas in wooded or overgrown areas.

    • Where will I find ticks and fleas?

      Outside you can find fleas and ticks anywhere warm-blood animals go. Woodpiles, weeds, and debris in your yard will attract rodents and the ticks that feed on them. Taking a pet outdoors without preventative tick control increases the likelihood of picking up ticks.

      Fleas are also easy to pick up in our travels. Fleas can be transferred from one animal to another while walking pets or at a dog park. Fleas will also attach to our socks, pants, and shoes to hitchhike their way into our homes. Because they breed rapidly, you will likely soon have a flea infestation in your home.

    • How do I get rid of ticks and fleas?

      Ticks and fleas are difficult pests to eradicate when an infestation occurs. Whether the problem is indoors or outside, the best way to get rid of fleas and ticks is to work with a company like The Termite Guy. Our 25 years of experience help us to eliminate ticks and fleas from your home and yard so you can regain your peace of mind and protect your family and pets from dangerous diseases.

    • How can I prevent ticks and fleas in the future?

      Prevention can go a long way toward keeping your family and pets safe from ticks, fleas, and the diseases they transmit. Here are some tips to help prevent these dangerous pests:

      • Frequent vacuuming can help to interrupt the flea life cycle by eliminating eggs hidden in carpeting, floors, and pet bedding.
      • Keep your grass cut short and the yard well maintained, limiting debris piles and overgrowth.
      • Ask your veterinarian for advice on what to use for flea and tick protection for your pets.
      • Check for ticks on yourself and your pets when returning home from a walk.

      Unfortunately, preventing ticks around Orange, Los Angeles, and Ventura Counties is difficult. When prevention fails, The Termite Guy team is here to help. The Termite Guy is here to help with tick and flea control for your house and yard. Preventative measures will ensure the health and well-being of your family and pets.

  • Termites

    • What are termites?

      Termites are social insects that live in colonies. Each termite colony divides its members into three castes — workers, soldiers, and reproductives. Worker termites are the largest caste; they help build and maintain the nest, care for the young, and forage for food. Soldiers protect the nest and help with nest maintenance.

      Reproductive termites produce more colony members. When a termite colony has matured, winged reproductive (termite swarmers) emerge from the nest to find a mate and a suitable location to build a new nest.

      Here in our region of California, we need to guard our homes against two kinds of termites; subterranean termites and drywood termites.

      Subterranean termites have high moisture needs and like to feed on wet or decaying wood. These termites nest in areas of damp soil and travel to their found food sources daily. Subterranean termite colonies are large and contain hundreds of thousands of members, and they are the most common species living across the United States.

      On the other hand, drywood termites live together in smaller colonies with numbers in the hundreds or thousands. Drywood termites are very efficient feeders and nest within the wood they feed on. These termites have low moisture needs and invade dry, sound pieces of wood.

    • Are termites dangerous?

      Termites are dangerous to have nesting and feeding where we live. Termites feed on cellulose found in trees and wooden materials, and as they feed, they destroy its structural integrity.

      If termites get into a home and you don't get rid of them quickly, over time, they can cause severe damage to its structure that is time-consuming and difficult to repair. A not-so-fun fact about termites is that they are responsible for generating billions of dollars in damages across the U.S. each year.

      Preventing termites from finding their way to your property is essential since most home insurance companies will not cover termite damage.

    • Why do I have a termite problem?

      When termites live outside, away from people, they are not a problem; in fact, they play an essential role as natural recyclers. They help to remove decaying wood, leaving room for new plant growth.

      However, when living near people and our structures, termites are a problem. As they are out searching for nesting and foraging sites, these tiny insects can easily move into our homes.

      Subterranean termites move through the soil or create mud tubes above the ground to maintain their moisture needs and stay out of view of predators. They commonly enter our homes through small cracks and crevices they discover in the foundation as they travel. Pieces of wood sitting directly on top of the ground also provide an entryway into structures.

      Drywood termites most commonly enter our homes inside wood or wooden furniture already infested with adults or their eggs. They can also get in through vents, gaps under doors, and other openings in your home's exterior.

    • Where will I find termites?

      When termites are in our homes, they spend their time in areas that put them in direct contact with their food source; wood. Termites are known as "silent invaders" because of their ability to move into our homes without notice and stay for long periods before we realize they're there.

      Since termites live and feed on the interior portion of wood, we don't typically "see" termites. They aren't like ants that move across the surfaces of our homes, searching for crumbs and spills.

      Some of the most common places we discover termite activity include structural wood, wooden floor joists, ceiling beams, floorboards, wooden furniture, and wood cabinets.

    • How do I get rid of termites?

      Termites are pests that require the expertise of a professional to find, identify, and eliminate them from our California properties. Both subterranean and drywood termites cause damage to our structures, but they have very different nesting and feeding habits. Knowing which has infiltrated your home is critical to effectively treating and removing these pests.

      At The Termite Guy, our professionals will accurately identify the termites on your property and provide the treatments necessary to eliminate the infestation. We will offer you the long-term support needed to prevent future issues with these destructive pests.

      If subterranean or drywood termites ever find their way to your home, you can count on us to completely remove the infestation. For exceptional termite prevention and termite control in Orange, Los Angeles, and Ventura Counties, call The Termite Guy!

    • How can I prevent termites in the future?

      You can take several steps around your property and home to make it less comfortable for termites. Use the following termite prevention tips to help guard your property against destructive termites:

      • Reduce excess moisture in your home that will attract subterranean termites by replacing damaged roof shingles, repairing leaky pipes, and replacing damaged weatherstripping around windows and doors.
      • Maintain at least an 18-inch barrier between any soil or mulch and your foundation.
      • Store woodpiles or wood construction materials away from the outside walls of your home.
      • Inspect wooden furniture, flooring, and other wooden items you bring into your home for holes in the exterior.

      If you notice mud tubes on your foundation or basement walls, bubbling paint, or any wood damage, immediately contact a termite professional. For termite control near you, call The Termite Guy today.

  • Spiders

    • What are spiders?

      Spiders are eight-legged creatures that can be a nuisance in the home. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, some of which are easier to identify than others. Common house spiders in California, for example, have round, brown bodies, and long legs, whereas the brown recluse has a violin-shaped marking on its back. It's also important to note where you're finding them, as some spiders prefer to live in specific places like basements, attics, and garages. To get rid of spiders, determine what type you have and then use the appropriate method to control it. Remember that most spiders are not dangerous to humans and play an important role in the ecosystem.

    • Are spiders dangerous?

      People frequently fear spiders because of their venomous bites, but not all spiders are dangerous to humans. In fact, the majority of spider bites are minor, and you can treat them at home. However, some dangerous spiders in California, such as the brown recluse and the black widow, have venom that can cause severe reactions in some people. If you believe a venomous spider has bitten you, seek medical attention right away. It is also critical to exercise caution when handling spiders and to use proper precautions such as gloves or a tool to move them. Always remember that it is better to be safe than sorry, especially when dealing with venomous spiders.

    • Why do I have a spider problem?

      Spider infestations happen when a population of spiders grows too large in one area. This growth can happen for a variety of reasons, such as an abundance of food sources like insects or they find a warm, dark and undisturbed area in your home. Spiders can also come inside your home through cracks or openings in the walls, windows, or doorways, often in search of a place to build webs and lay eggs. Sometimes, they'll come indoors on items such as boxes or firewood. Spider infestations can happen to anyone, no matter how clean or tidy their house is; a spider infestation is not a sign of poor housekeeping. A spider infestation may occur due to high humidity, lack of natural predators, or the presence of other insects that spiders feed on.

    • Where will I find spiders?

      While you may find spiders in many different areas of your home, some of the most common places they tend to wonder are basements, attics, and garages. These areas often provide the warm, dark and undisturbed spaces they need to build webs and lay eggs. You may also find spiders on windowsills, doorways, and the corners of rooms, where they can spin webs and catch prey, or in closets, bathrooms, and kitchens, where they can find moisture and food sources. It's important to be vigilant and to check these common areas regularly to catch any spider infestations early on. Remember, while spiders can be a nuisance, they play an important role in controlling insect populations and are a natural part of the ecosystem.

    • How do I get rid of spiders?

      When it comes to dealing with an infestation, professional pest control is the best way to get rid of spiders. The Termite Guy technicians use an Integrated Pest Management approach and eco-friendly methods to control spider populations. Our experienced technicians conduct a thorough inspection of your home to pinpoint the problem areas, and then we develop a customized treatment plan to eliminate any infestation. Trust The Termite Guy to help you get rid of your spider problem for good with an approach that is safe for your family and the environment.

    • How can I prevent spiders in the future?

      If you are worried about spiders returning in the future, there are steps you can take to prevent them. One of the best ways to get rid of spiders naturally is to keep your home clean and free of clutter. Spiders are attracted to areas with lots of hiding spots, so keep your house organized and decluttered. Additionally, make sure to seal any cracks or holes in your walls, windows, and doors to prevent spiders from finding their way inside. Also, use natural repellents such as peppermint oil to keep them away. Regularly inspecting and cleaning your home can help to deter spiders from returning.

      As always, the best way to prevent spiders and other pests is through a comprehensive pest management program that can keep pests from coming onto your property. By preventing bugs and other pests getting onto your property, you also prevent spiders that come inside to prey on them. For a spider-free home, give us a call at The Termite Guy for spider control in Orange, Los Angeles, and Ventura Counties.

  • Rodents

    • What are rodents?

      Mice, rats, and other types of rodents belong to the order Rodentia which means "to gnaw." Scientists group rodents together because they all have continuously growing, chisel-like front incisors they use to gnaw and cut through objects. In order to stop these teeth from overgrowing, rodents constantly chew on things they come across. Trees to dining room tables are used as teething toys by rodents.

      Mice are rodents with small oval bodies and small triangular heads. Their ears and tails have a light layer of velvety fur. Adult rats are typically larger than adult mice. They have large blunt heads, and their ears and scaly tails are hairless. Light brown, dark brown, gray, or black fur often covers the bodies of mice or rats. White or another lighter color fur typically covers their undersides.

    • Are rodents dangerous?

      Rodents are more than your typical nuisance household pests; they pose a significant threat to people and our properties. Some of the biggest dangers associated with a rodent infestation include the following:

      • Fire hazard: When mice or rats chew through wires in a home, they can trigger electrical shorts and fires.
      • Health risk: Mice and rats carry bacteria, viruses, and parasites on their bodies and in their feces, urine, and saliva that cause diseases in people. Additionally, their shed feces and fur emit allergens that trigger allergies and asthma attacks.
      • Food waste: Rodents will get into and consume your family's stored foods. Any food touched by a rodent needs discarding.
      • Destruction: When rodents are in our homes, they chew on, dig through, and otherwise damage furniture, clothing, rugs, cabinets, and walls.

      At the sign of a rodent problem in or around your home, reach out to a professional for help.

    • Why do I have a rodent problem?

      Rodents can become a problem in and around any of our California homes. While people often associate rodent infestations with cold weather, the truth is that rodentswill enter our homes at any time of the year.

      Some things may make your home more likely to experience rodent problems. If you have an older home, the exterior likely has many cracks and crevices that provide rodents with entry and exit points. If you live in an area currently under development, rodents will migrate and often take up residence in surrounding homes. And finally, sudden weather events cause mice and rats to seek shelter within our homes.

    • Where will I find rodents?

      Mice and rats are curious, intelligent creatures and, over time, have learned that where we live provides them with the things they need to live comfortably. Food, water, and safe, dry shelter are within the walls of our houses, and these opportunistic pests won't hesitate to take advantage.

      When mice and rats move into our homes to nest, they don't fill out a renter's agreement; they are squatters and therefore do their best to stay out of our sight.

      Rodents are prey animals and prefer to nest in quiet, out-of-the-way places. Basements, attics, crawl spaces, wall voids, and the backs of cabinets and appliances are common places to discover nests and rodent activity.

    • How do I get rid of rodents?

      The best way to remove California rodents from your home and keep them out is to get assistance from a local professional. Here at The Termite Guy, we offer general pest control and rodent exclusion services; our goal is to help you keep your home pest-free. We guarantee the quality of our services and tailor our services to meet the individual needs of the homes and families we serve. Contact us to learn more about working together to keep rodents out of your house throughout the year!

    • How can I prevent rodents in the future?

      Rodents like living near people, which can make preventing problems with them difficult. The following prevention tips and regular rodent control services will make rodents think twice about calling your property home.

      • Clear any yard debris, fallen trees, and woodpiles from your yard that offer harborage sites.
      • Don't place bird feeders near your home.
      • If you feed pets outside, make sure to pick up uneaten food.
      • Cut back tree branches, shrubbery, and other landscaping from your home's exterior.
      • Carefully inspect your home's exterior from top to bottom and repair any defect that rodents can use as entry points. Mice can move through spaces the diameter of a pencil.
      • Keep food in your house out of the reach of rodents by storing it either in the fridge or airtight containers with locking lids.
      • Regularly clean your home to remove crumbs and other food debris. Clear areas of clutter rodents could hide within.

      Learn more about rodent control and home pest control in Orange, Los Angeles, and Ventura Counties by calling today!

  • Flies And Gnats

    • What are flies and gnats?

      House flies and gnats are types of flies that we often find in and around homes in our area. They are similar in that both species are double-winged, and neither bites. Some differences, though, help to tell them apart easily.

      House flies are the larger of the two insects, usually measuring between 1/8 and 1/4 of an inch. House flies will feed on various substances, including human food, animal carcasses, garbage, and our pet’s feces.

      Gnats are small flies that are sometimes confused with fruit flies. Adults measure only 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch in length. At the larval stage, they feed on organic mulch, leaf mold, fungi, and root hairs. They spend most of their life as larvae and pupae in organic matter and soil.

    • Are flies and gnats dangerous?

      Both house flies and gnats are nuisances that are difficult to live with and are incredibly frustrating pests. In addition to annoying the people around them, a house fly or gnat problem in your home can be very difficult to eradicate.

      Flies pick up pathogens on their legs and mouths when feeding on feces, trash, and decaying substances. These pathogens can spread to us when food and prep areas are contaminated. They also constantly defecate, further spreading bacteria around our homes.

      Gnats are not dangerous to us, but they can harm our plants. If there is a large number of larvae, they can damage roots and stunt plant growth. Getting rid of house flies and gnats quickly is important for protecting your health and your plant’s vitality.

    • Why do I have a fly and gnat problem?

      Flies and gnats can and will invade any home they can access. House flies typically gain access to our homes through small openings they find on screens or around areas with damaged weatherstripping. Our garbage and pet waste attract them most frequently.

      Gnats can enter our homes through damaged screens and around weatherstripping, too. You may also inadvertently bring them into your home on house plants you purchase from a greenhouse or retailer. If you see gnats in plants you have recently acquired, the larvae were likely already in the soil when you bought them.

    • Where will I find flies and gnats?

      The house fly is the most common fly found in and around homes in the United States. You will likely find them buzzing throughout your house as they are adept at flying. Unlike house flies, gnats are not very good at flying, and you will usually find these tiny flies on houseplants or very close to them.

    • How do I get rid of flies and gnats?

      To eradicate flies and gnats, we must first properly identify them. These pests can sometimes be confused with other flying insects. After inspectors properly identify the pests and determine the problem areas, it is time for technicians to eradicate the fly or gnat infestation.

      It is imperative to eliminate every life stage of the insect, or the problem will soon return. Working directly with a local pest control company like The Termite Guy is the safest and easiest method for getting rid of house flies and gnats.

    • How can I prevent flies and gnats in the future?

      A fly or gnat problem in your home can be incredibly frustrating. Prevention is the best method of fly and gnat control available. Here are some tips to keep these pests away in the future:

      • Ensure all of the windows and doors in your home close properly.
      • Install screens on all of your doors and windows.
      • Check all existing screens for damage and repair them as needed.
      • Inspect your weatherstripping around doors and windows for damage and repair or replace it if needed.
      • Frequently dispose of garbage in your home and place it in well-sealed receptacles.
      • To keep flies away, promptly clean up all pet waste and dispose of it in sealed containers.
      • Remove grass clippings, mulch, and compost piles from your yard.
      • Avoid overwatering plants and be sure they have sufficient drainage.

      Working directly with a home pest control company like The Termite Guy can help prevent all types of pests from invading your home. We have been in business for over 25 years and bring that experience to each home and pest we treat.

    • What are ticks and fleas?

      Ticks and fleas are parasitic pests that feed on the blood of their hosts. The preferred hosts depend on the flea and tick species, but most in our area will bite and feed on people and pets.

      Ticks are not technically insects; they are arachnids, more closely related to spiders. They have eight legs and are quite small before they feed. After the tick bites and feeds, it will become engorged. Specific sizes and colors vary depending on the species.

      Fleas are insects that range in size from 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch. While incredibly small, it is usually possible for people to see them. Fleas are dark brown to reddish-brown and have a flat shape. A flea's preferred host is typically the family pet, but once in your home, you will also find flea bites on humans.

  • Crickets

    • What are crickets?

      Crickets are insects in the order Orthoptera. They are relatives of grasshoppers, locusts, and katydids. Like these other insects, crickets have a pair of rear legs much longer and stronger than the others.

      In some cricket species, such as the camel cricket, these powerful legs allow them to jump long distances. Other types of crickets can barely jump at all. However, even in this case, their legs still serve a purpose.

      Male crickets create the distinctive cricket chirping that attracts female crickets to mate. Male crickets can chirp either by rubbing their legs along their wings' foretips or simply by rubbing their wings together. Creating these songs helps them attract mates.

    • Are crickets dangerous?

      As a general rule, crickets are not dangerous. Their chirps can be annoying, especially if they are chirping away while hiding somewhere in your house. But most crickets are a little more than nuisance pests.

      However, some cricket species can carry strains of bacteria that can cause illnesses, such as E. coli and salmonella. They may also contaminate your food with feces-containing parasites. Some cricket varieties may also damage property by eating things like fabrics and upholstery made of natural fibers. So it's important to keep them out of your house.

    • Why do I have a cricket problem?

      Like most other insects, crickets invade houses that make it easy for them to get what they need: food, shelter, and moisture. Sometimes, drought may drive them into your home as they seek water and relief from the Southern California heat.

      Other times, you may not be storing the foods that crickets like to eat properly. For instance, if you leave pet food sitting out all the time, it may attract crickets as well as other insects. Crickets are not picky and will eat what they can get, so just about any food you can think of can serve as a cricket attractant.

    • Where will I find crickets?
      Crickets live in caves, under plant litter, rotting logs, and similar areas in the wild. They like places where it's damp and dark, so if you find them in your house, you'll find them in many of the same places you would find cockroaches. Crickets will hang out in basements, crawl spaces, under appliances, and anywhere else that provides enough humidity and is sufficiently out of your way.
    • How do I get rid of crickets?

      It can be tricky to get rid of crickets once they invade your home. There are a number of reasons for this, but the main ones are their breeding speed and the ineffectiveness of the cricket control products on the open market. Crickets can sexually mature in as little as a few days and lay hundreds of eggs throughout their lives. A breeding population of crickets inside your home can quickly explode. Against this rapid replication, things like sticky traps and cricket baits don't stand a chance.

      That's where The Termite Guy comes in. We might have termites in our name, but all pests are our game. We have access to professional tools and pest elimination techniques that mean even the fastest-breeding crickets cannot outrun us. If you've tried to get rid of your cricket problem and failed, it may be time to call in the pros.

    • How can I prevent crickets in the future?

      While getting rid of crickets on your own may not be in the cards, the good news is it is a lot easier to prevent a cricket infestation than to get rid of one. Even better, a lot of the same methods you already use to keep things like cockroaches and ants away can work for crickets as well:

      • Keep all indoor and outdoor garbage cans tightly covered.
      • Address moisture problems like condensation and poor drainage.
      • Store pantry foods in airtight containers, including pet foods.
      • Seal up cracks and holes in your home that crickets could use to enter your house.

      And remember, if you wind up with a cricket infestation that gets out of hand, the best cricket and pest control in California, The Termite Guy, is just a click or call away.

  • Cockroaches

    • What are cockroaches?
      Cockroaches are insects commonly found in homes and buildings. They have flattened and elongated bodies with a pair of antennae, six legs, and wings. There are several species of cockroaches, but German, American, and oriental cockroaches are the most common. The German cockroach is small, about 1/2 an inch long, with two dark stripes behind the head. The American cockroach is larger, about 1 1/2 inches long, with a reddish-brown coloration. The oriental cockroach is approximately 1 inch long and black in color. They are known for their resilience and ability to adapt, which can make them difficult pests to eliminate.
    • Are cockroaches dangerous?
      Cockroaches can pose several health risks to humans. They can carry and spread disease by contaminating food and surfaces with their feces and saliva and trigger allergies and asthma attacks in some individuals. Cockroaches can carry salmonella, E. coli, and other harmful bacteria and spread diseases like dysentery, typhoid, and cholera. Cockroaches can also cause unpleasant odors and stains in your home. They are considered a public health hazard and can negatively impact the overall hygiene and sanitation of a living environment.
    • Why do I have a cockroach problem?
      A cockroach infestation can happen due to a combination of factors. They have easy access to food, water, and shelter in your home and can reproduce quickly. Cockroaches can come in from outside through cracks and crevices or by hitchhiking in boxes, packages, or used furniture. A buildup of clutter, trash, and moisture in your home can also attract cockroaches.
    • Where will I find cockroaches?

      The most common places to find cockroaches or signs of a cockroach infestation in a home are kitchens and bathrooms, as they provide access to food, water, and shelter. You may also find them in basements, crawl spaces, and attics, as well as in and around appliances such as stoves, dishwashers, and refrigerators. Cockroaches will also hide in cracks and crevices behind walls and other hard-to-reach areas.

    • How do I get rid of cockroaches?

      At The Termite Guy, we understand the stress and frustration that comes with a cockroach infestation. As a family-owned-and-operated business with 25 years of experience, we offer professional and effective solutions to control cockroaches in your home. Our Integrated Pest Management services combine multiple methods to ensure we eliminate cockroaches completely. Our experts will also provide advice on how to deter cockroaches in the future. We offer free estimates and same-day inspections for your convenience, and our eco-friendly and pet-friendly cockroach control products and treatments ensure the safety of your loved ones and the environment. Trust our team of experienced professionals to provide you with peace of mind and a cockroach-free home.

    • How can I prevent cockroaches in the future?

      When you rid your home of cockroaches, it's important to take steps so they don't come back. Here are some tips on how to keep cockroaches away:

      • Keep your home clean and clutter-free. Cockroaches thrive in dirty and cluttered environments, so maintaining a clean house is key.
      • Seal all cracks and crevices in your home. Cockroaches can enter through the smallest openings, so it's important to seal any potential entry points.
      • Fix leaks and moisture problems. Cockroaches need water to survive, so fixing any leaks and moisture issues can help prevent them.
      • Store food properly. Cockroaches are attracted to food, so store food in airtight containers and keep your kitchen clean.
      • Use natural repellents. You can use certain herbs and essential oils to repel cockroaches.
      • Regularly inspect and maintain the exterior of your home. Cockroaches often enter homes through the exterior, so it is important to keep the exterior of your house in good condition.

      Follow these tips to prevent cockroaches from coming back into your home and keep them away for good. For over 25 years, Orange, Los Angeles, and Ventura County homeowners have trusted us to keep their homes cockroach-free. Contact us today for comprehensive cockroach treatment services.

  • Beetles

    • What are beetles?

      Beetles are insects that make up the order Coleoptera, which, at over 400,000 species, is the largest order of insects by far. Around 40% of all insects fall into this order. You can find beetles everywhere, from the swamp to the desert to the mountains, and they feed on everything from plant matter to meat to dung.

      The thing all types of beetles have in common is their elytra, which is the pair of heavily armored forewings that protect the beetle's abdomen. Sometimes, these encase a single pair of wings that allow the beetle to fly. Other times, these armored cases may only protect the beetle's body because there are no wings underneath.

    • Are beetles dangerous?

      Most beetles in Southern California are not dangerous to humans. In fact, most beetles are not dangerous to much of anything. For example, the ladybug, a type of beetle, is little more than a nuisance. They can invade your home in large numbers, but this is only irritating. The only things that should be afraid of them are aphids.

      Beetles may not be dangerous to people, but when it comes to your property, a few species of beetle can pose problems. Japanese beetles, for instance, are a destructive and invasive species that can seriously damage landscaping and shrubbery. Carpet beetles can damage fabrics, taxidermy, furniture, and rugs. And carpenter beetles can tunnel through wood and damage your home's exterior or even internal components.

    • Why do I have a beetle problem?
      Beetles are such a varied and diverse class of bugs that any number of things might attract them to your property. For instance, carpet beetles will gravitate to the natural fabrics in your home. Carpenter beetles might be interested in your nice, big wooden deck. And Japanese beetles might be most interested in your rose bushes. There are endless reasons why you might wind up with an infestation. It all depends on the type of beetle ailing you.
    • Where will I find beetles?
      Again, beetles are such a diverse group that you could find them practically anywhere. You might find carpet beetles chowing down on your favorite taxidermy, dung beetles rolling your pet's droppings across your driveway, or ladybugs stalking aphids in your vegetable garden. Just about anywhere you can imagine beetles to be, they could be.
    • How do I get rid of beetles?

      If you wind up with an infestation of a destructive or invasive species, then eradicating beetles can be a huge problem. Unlike more well-known or dangerous pests, there are not a lot of over-the-counter products that deal with beetles. That means there may be limits to your efforts to control a beetle infestation right from the start. Beetles are tough bugs, and a little bit of fogger or spray will not do the trick. It's also always more difficult to control bugs that infest large areas, like your whole yard or every inch of your carpet.

      For these reasons, the best thing you can do to get rid of beetles is to call in the professionals. Here at The Termite Guy, we're experts in all kinds of beetles – both native and invasive – common to California, and we know exactly how to help you get them off your property.

    • How can I prevent beetles in the future?

      Solving beetle problems in Orange County, Los Angeles County, and Ventura County is not easy because of the wide variety of things that attract them. However, there are still a few things you can do:

      • Use peppermint oil sprays around your home's entry points to repel beetles.
      • Seal all cracks and holes in your home's exterior to block entry.
      • Ensure all door, and window screens are free from rips and tears.
      • Plant shrubs and bushes resistant to beetle infestations, like lilac and dogwood.

      If your attempts to make your home less attractive to beetles fail, don't forget you have the best in a beetle-busting business right at your fingertips. Contact The Termite Guy today!

  • Ants

    • What are ants?

      Ants are one of the easier-to-identify insects because of how frequently we run into them and their distinct appearance. Ants have three body segments (head, thorax, and abdomen), six legs, and short, bent antennae. Most ants are black, brown, red, or yellow.

      Ants are small, social insects that play important roles in the ecosystem. Ants act as pollinators, help aerate the soil, help recycle decaying debris, and provide food for other animals.

      Unfortunately, ants don't stay outside, away from us and our homes. They often nest in or near our yards and find their way into our homes, where they are unwanted, difficult-to-eliminate pests.

    • Are ants dangerous?

      When discussing pests, ants aren't the worst that can visit your property, but their presence certainly shouldn't be celebrated or, for that matter, ignored. When ants are in our homes, they contaminate our food, spread bacteria over surfaces, and sometimes create unpleasant odors. While most ants are nuisance pests, some dangerous ants in California pose significant threats to people and our properties. Ants that we consider harmful spread disease-causing pathogens, deliver painful stings, or cause structural damage.

    • Why do I have an ant problem?

      Ant colonies divide their members into different groups, each tasked with a specific job. Worker ants make up the bulk of any ant colony and do things like care for the young ants, maintain the nest, and travel from the nest to locate and bring back food.

      While out and about, if worker ants come across an open trash can, bowl of pet food, or garden with garden pests like aphids producing honeydew (a sticky sweet substance ants love), they will alert the rest of the colony by laying down a pheromone trial. Their ability to communicate with each other is why ant infestations tend to happen very quickly and why ant colonies are so successful.

    • Where will I find ants?

      Most ants prefer to nest outside. Where exactly they build their nest depends on their species. Some nest in the soil in open sunny areas, others choose damp soil under mulch, woodpiles, or fallen trees, some nest in the cracks of pavement or cement walls, and others in pieces of decaying wood.

      The closer an ant nest is to your home, the more likely these pests will wind up in your house as they forage for food and water. When ants enter our homes searching for food, we see them traveling over surfaces in the kitchen, pantries, bathrooms, and dining areas.

      Sometimes ants will make their presence in our homes permanent and build a nest. Our homes offer ants safe shelter and easy access to food or water. Common indoor nesting sites include wall voids, crawl spaces, structural wood, space behind cabinets or trim, vents, and electrical equipment.

    • How do I get rid of ants?
      Ants in California can easily move onto our properties and take over our homes. If ants have become a problem in your house, don't try to eliminate them yourself. The best pest control for ants is professional pest control. Here at The Termite Guy, we offer the monthly, bimonthly, or quarterly pest control services needed to get rid of ants and stop them from coming back. We guarantee our services; our goal is to help our customers maintain a home free of pests. To learn more about ant control solutions in OrangeLos Angeles, and Ventura Counties, contact one of our friendly professionals today!
    • How can I prevent ants in the future?

      Use the following ant prevention tips to help stop ants from taking over your property's indoor or outdoor spaces:

      • Eliminate entry points ants could use to move into your home by caulking cracks and crevices, spaces around wires and pipes, and placing mesh covers on chimneys and vents.
      • Get rid of excess moisture by repairing leaky pipes and outdoor fixtures or irrigation systems.
      • Regularly remove trash from your home, and make sure to wash dishes daily.
      • Store outdoor trash cans a distance from the outside of your home and have locking lids.
      • Vacuum and wipe down surfaces in your home to remove spills, crumbs, and other food debris.

      Despite your best efforts, ants can still find their way to our properties. If you are dealing with an ant infestation, contact us today and learn more about home pest control for ants.